24 October 2022 - Opening ceremony of the Annual Conference of the Airports Council International

Under the chairmanship of Mr. Mohammed ABDELJALIL, Minister of Transport and Logistics, and in the presence of Mrs. Habiba LAKLALECH, Director General of ONDA, and Mr. Karim KASSI LAHLOU, Wali of the Marrakech Safi Region, the Annual Conference of the Airports Council International was opened today under the theme "Anything is possible: discovering opportunities in a changing world".
Considered the largest gathering of airports and the airport community worldwide, the conference brings together airport managers, civil aviation authorities, suppliers, and airport partners from all over the world: Australia, Asia (Japan, Hong Kong, South Korea, Saudi Arabia...), Europe (France, Italy, Spain, Turkey...), Africa (South Africa, Nigeria, Egypt...), and America (United States, Canada...).
The event was accompanied by various meetings and working sessions, including the ACI World General Meeting, the ACI World and ACI Africa Boards of Directors, regional group meetings, and training sessions for participants..
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