Alphabet aviation

In the world of Aviation, Pilots and Air-Traffic Controllers use a special jargon to communicate between themselves.

This jargon, called “Aviation-Alphabet” uses the same 26 letters which we learn in kindergartens.

Each letter corresponds to a word used to identify an Aircraft.


A = Alpha

H = Hotel

O = Oscar

V = Victor

B = Bravo

I = India

P = Papa

W = Whiskey

C = Charlie

J = Juliet

Q = Quebec

X = X-Ray

D = Delta

K = Kilo

R = Roméo

Y = Yankee

E = Echo

L = Lima

S = Sierra

Z = Zulu

F = Foxtrot

M = Mike

T = Tango


G = Golf

N = Novembre

U = Uniforme



The name of this aircraft is AXY 561: “Alpha X-ray Yankee 561